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Invest in u-go

U-Go appreciates your financial support.

We are currently a registered charity in the United States (EIN: 87-2788480), Australia (ABN: 70661924812), the UK (Charity No. 1203959), and several other geographies

U-Go’s Board covers all overhead costs, so 100% of your funds go directly to scholarships

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Please write cheque to “The U-Go Initiative” and send to:

The U-Go Initiative
334 North Rios Avenue, Solana Beach
CA 92075 USA

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We have relationships with Schwab, JP Morgan, Fidelity, Vanguard, etc.

They will need our federal employer identification number, which is 87-2788480 and our official name (The U-Go Initiative).

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Stock donation

Please email for transfer instructions.