Every scholar has a story
A financial scholarship removes barriers and supports talented girls to reach their potential, lift up their families and help future generations.
Jennifer Santiago
Orphaned at a young age, Jennifer and her sister were raised mostly by her grandfather. A former manual laborer, her grandfather supported Jennifer and her sister from his meager monthly pension.
Thanks to the U-GO scholarship, Jennifer was able to stay in school and is now on her way to becoming a science teacher. She dreams of helping other girls like herself, while earning a good income to help give a better life for her sister and her loving grandfather.
Roujatun Nur Borna
Life dealt Borna’s family hardship upon hardship. Despite financial setbacks and health crises Borna’s parents remained devoted to her education.
She studied on her own for university entrance exams and got in. Even then, it would have been difficult for her to attend without the support of a U-GO long term scholarship in partnership with local NGO JAAGO Foundation.
Shimpi Yadav
Shimpi was born to loving parents who supported her desire for education above all else. Systemic poverty and the caste system put Shimpi’s dreams of being a pharmacist out of reach.
With the help of U-GO’s partner the Milaan Foundation, Shimpi found a path to empowerment, training to be a Girl Icon. When Shimpi was accepted to university, Milaan connected her with U-GO’s scholarship program.
Why it matters
Meet the scholars
Ready to Sponsor a scholar?
$800 sponsors a young woman for a year of university. Each donation transforms the life of a young woman, her family and her community.
Help us to make opportunity as universal as talent.