
December Newsletter
It’s been possibly the busiest year of my life as U-GO continues to grow our impact globally. We appreciate your generous and continued support of our work, and hope that you’ll enjoy this short update.
U-GO at the Financial Times
On October 23, 2024, the Financial Times' new global headquarters welcomed U-GO for our third London fundraiser, attracting longtime supporters and many newcomers inspired by our mission.
U-GO student volunteer, Iris Crampton, reports on a night to remember.

September 2024 Newsletter
If you could see the U-GO team now, we are literally jumping out of our seats with joy as we announce the largest cohort yet of new scholars.
As the new school year begins, an incredible 1,820 ambitious and promising young women are receiving news that will forever change their lives and those of their families - they're being awarded long-term scholarships that will be with them through the happy day they graduate from university.

2024 Mid-year Review
We are just 2.5 years old but already we are a global organization. Our long term scholarships are currently serving 2,500 ambitious and promising young women across 9 low-income countries. Please enjoy this 2024 Mid-Year Report to share in our success as we continue in our mission to make opportunity as universal as talent.

June 2024 newsletter
You might wonder what a 13-year-old attending middle school in Irvine, California and a college student from Andhra Pradesh, India would have in common. More than you might think.

May 2024 newsletter
During the whirlwind start up years at Room to Read, people often asked me where I lived. I’d cheekily reply, “Seat 18A”. I had that feeling again over the last month as Amy, Orion and I hopped across Asia in support of U-Go’s continued growth. I am thrilled to share with you all the exciting news from a non-stop four weeks of U-Go activity.

March 2024 newsletter
In the spring of 1998, a much younger version of me went to Nepal for the first time and had my life changed forever when the headmaster of a rural school made a humble request that would forever change my life: “Perhaps, Sir, you will someday come back with books.”

February 2024 newsletter
We were delighted to have had nearly 200 of our supporters from around the world join us for last week’s 2nd Anniversary Celebration. Partners, donors and board members tuned in from 19 countries. We now have 2,500 ambitious and promising young women on long-term U-Go scholarships….

January 2024 newsletter
In the Bengali language, the word Jaago means wake up and go. Not coincidentally, that’s also the name of U-Go’s partner in Bangladesh. Founded in 2007, Jaago has worked across the nation in critical areas of children’s development…

December 2023 Newsletter
As we enter December and ask ourselves, “Where has the year gone?”, we feel immense gratitude for your willingness to change the future through the power of our scholarship program.

September 2023 Newsletter
As the new academic year begins, we are thrilled to share news that illustrates the impact U-Go is making. We hope you enjoy this brief update that shows the quality of our work, congratulates our first graduates and announces bold growth in the number of scholars in the U-Go family.
Empowering Education for Women in Conversation With John Wood, Founder U-Go
South China Morning Post
How ex-Microsoft director is helping young women in low-income countries go to university
Bloomberg Television
U-Go Founder John Wood on Improving Access to Education
John Wood’s New Nonprofit U-Go Is Helping Women In Low-Income Countries To Attend University