2024 Mid-year Review

Dear Friends of U-Go:

The first half of 2024 seems to have zipped by like a rabbit on roller skates. Our team has been in constant motion and has made incredible progress. So I’m excited to some recent highlights in this short report and bring to life some of the compelling stories of our scholars. When you see their bright smiles and hear their words of determination, I think you’ll be as inspired as I am every day.

Though we are just 2 ½ years old, we’ve already become a global organization. We’ve launched our long-term scholarship program in 9 countries, have had over 100 families make multi-year financial commitments, hosted fund-raising events in cities from London to Singapore to Sydney, and have begun to form major corporate partnerships with organizations like J.P. Morgan Private Bank, the Mishcon de Reya global law firm, and auction prize donors including Four Seasons, Mandarin Oriental and Rosewood Hotels Group.

Most importantly, we’ve over-achieved on our mission -- to help a generation of talented and ambitious young women to achieve their dreams of university education that leads to a career that will allow them to take care of themselves, their family and their community.

Thank you for being with us on this journey. I hope this short report will make you feel proud to be part of a game-changing team!

Onward and upward,


Click here to view mid-year Review


Join us! We have several opportunities to meet in-person in the coming months. Hope to see you there.

U-Go Wine Dinner (San Francisco)

When: Saturday September 28th 2024

Where: China Live, 644 Broadway

Rsvp: [email protected]

U-Go Wine Dinner (Hong Kong)

When: Saturday November 9th 2024

Where: Rosewood Hong Kong, 4th Floor, Pavilion

Rsvp: [email protected]

U-Go Gala Dinner (Sydney)

When: Saturday November 16th 2024

Where: Royal Yacht Squadron, Kirribilli

Rsvp: [email protected]


September 2024 Newsletter


June 2024 newsletter