Cambodia 🇰🇭 Patricia Johnson Cambodia 🇰🇭 Patricia Johnson

Lynha Hom

Lynha’s parents were vegetable sellers, with none of their children in school. Lynha completed the ISF catch-up program quickly and was integrated into a public primary school.

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Cambodia 🇰🇭 Patricia Johnson Cambodia 🇰🇭 Patricia Johnson

Haway Dum

Haway was supported through high school by the Room to Read Girls’ Education Program and went on to become the first girl from her village to attend university, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science.

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Cambodia 🇰🇭 Patricia Johnson Cambodia 🇰🇭 Patricia Johnson

Sreypich Neng

Sreypich persevered and passed the formidable grade 12 exam on her second try - while working & studying in university. She earned an Associates’ degree (2 years) and currently works at a micro finance institution helping clients to secure loans to buy motorbikes.

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