Jodi Morris

Jodi Morris is a modern venture guide. She’s sought as a Success Coach, curates immersive small group Venture Travel and invests in impactful companies and girls’ education non-profits. Her passion is connecting people and ideas globally.

Jodi spent 22+ years in the investment industry, leading U.S. business-building initiatives at JP Morgan and Matthews Asia. Combining her analytical mindset, education-based communication style and connecting prowess, she led teams that raised billions of dollars in innovative investment strategies.

An avid traveler, Jodi is inspired by ideas, passion, grit and goals. She invests in entrepreneurs globally and believes that girls’ education is the best investment of our lifetime. 

Jodi is a member of the International Women’s Forum (IWF) and served as President of the IWF Northern California Legacy Foundation. She is a Renew Capital and Portfolia investor and CFA® Charterholder. She invests in global non-profits Room to Read, U-GO, Rise Up, Nurturing Minds/SEGA and SHE-CAN. Jodi graduated with honors from Northwestern University with a degree in Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences (MMSS) and Economics. Raised in the Midwest, she spent three decades living in New York City and San Francisco before settling with her husband Bob in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Kavin Bloomer


John B. Lin